Resources and Phone Numbers (From DNA newsletter - December 2008) Neighborhood Hotline 402-441-6300 Animal Control 402-441-7900 Building and Safety 402-441-7785 Bus Schedules 402-476-1234 Child Care Connection 402-441-8026 City Information 402-441-2489 Crime Stoppers 402-475-3600 Downed Power Lines 402-475-3233 Emergency 911 Fire Hazards 402-441-7363 Garbage/Dumping 402-441-8022 Gas Leaks 800-303-0357 Hazardous Waste 402-441-8021 Junk Cars 402-441-8021 Mayor's Office 402-441-7511 Neighborhood Watch 402-441-7204 Parking Problems 402-441-6000 Poison Control 800-955-9119 Police (non-emergency) 402-441-6000 Sidewalk Repair 402-441-7541 Snow and Ice Removal 402-441-7644 Street Lights 402-465-7123 Street and Alley Repair 402-441-7701 Traffic Safety 402-441-8046 Trees and Limbs 402-441-7035 Walking Safety 402-441-8047 Other city problems (UPLNK)